
Wind Lark and Cloud Forms on Polychrome

Lizzy Darling - Flute, Alto Flute

Polychrome is on international release by Centaur Records, (catalog number 3717). Recorded in May 2018 in Werner Recital Hall at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Find this album for purchase and streaming worldwide on Naxos, Spotify, Apple Music, and many other sources.

Wind Lark

For Solo Flute

Program Notes

Wind Lark offers a flourish of intense colors in succinct motives, expressed through a fully chromatic language engaging the entire range of the solo flute. A foray into a smaller world, Wind Lark makes a concise study of intuitive motivic development, detailed voice leading, and elided phrase structures, fitting the expressive potential of a much larger piece into a smaller, more efficient musical envelope.

3.5 minutes | Solo C Flute, Unaccompanied | 2017

Cloud Forms

For Solo Alto Flute

Program Notes

Cloud Forms, a tone poem for the alto flute, unfolds slowly in colorful, chromatic swirls, runs, twists, and trills. Its irregular phrases and textural range accentuate the unique and emotive voice of the solo alto flute.

4 minutes | Solo Alto Flute, Unaccompanied2017